EnergyVision Annual Report 2019

MISSION AND VISION BY PEOPLE, FOR PEOPLE WHAT WE ARE: AN ALL-ROUND ENERGY STRESS REMOVER Everyone wants to save on their energy costs, but not everyone is prepared to invest. That is why we bear the financial risk : we finance a project for one year or five, eight, ten or even fifteen years. The customer doesn’t bear any of the risk in terms of investment: we build the project, we finance the whole thing and the customer gets green energy at a low- er price than they currently pay for energy from the grid. Everyone wants to save on their energy costs, but not everyone is up to speed on the newest technologies or is prepared to investigate them And that is the reason why we are growing so fast: we can offer top quality and sustainable solutions in a sustainable model, seeing the customer as a genuine partner in a long-term relationship. At present we build solar panels or install LED fittings; in the future we might be installing different technologies or techniques for the same customers to save them even more money, without the customers needing to invest. And that is how we are growing, in- creasing our market share and gaining expertise. That is why our focus is on in detail. In the past, there have been too many rogue suppliers who prom- ised top quality but turned up with a product that was sub-standard. That is why we bear the performance risk : the customer only pays for the green energy they effectively receive. If the installation doesn’t work, or the cus- tomer doesn’t need any energy when our installation is working, they won’t pay anything. On the one hand, that means the customer can sit back and relax : the energy is guaranteed to be cheaper than what they are currently paying, and there is no small print, no obli- gations, no financial or technical risk whatsoever. We take all the customer’s stress away. Leaving them to focus on their core business. They can leave the energy problem up to us. On the other hand, this also means that our interests and those of the customer are inextricably linked in the solutions we offer. We don’t need to be the cheapest, because we have no product to sell. We sell electricity. The product - the installation - remains in our portfolio and on our balance sheet. The better the quality of our products, the greater the amount of energy pro- duced, the more kWh we generate and the more we can charge to the custom- er. But from the customer’s point of view: the more kWh the customer buys from us, the more they save. Because every kWh we sell is cheaper than a kWh elsewhere on the market, and that is guaranteed. Our interests are completely aligned! the customer. And that is why we aim for top quality, why we are proud of our projects and proud to be able to work for our customers. We are not a soulless supplier and our customers are not elusive entities. No, we are people who work for people to solve their energy problems and reduce their energy costs, with heaps of pas- sion and conviction, whether we are in Belgium, Morocco or China. That is the reason for our growth. The technology may change, the financial formula may change, but one thing will never change: the passion, the drive, the focus on our customers, the will to take away their stress and to come up with solutions. This is inherent to every part of our com- pany, every fibre, every office, every department, every moment. It is what defines EnergyVision. It is who we are and what we do. “We see the customer as a real partner, in a long-term story.” M I S S I O N A N D V I S I O N 16 17 E N E R G Y V I S I O N - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9

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