EnergyVision Annual Report 2019

H I G H L I G H T S O F 2 0 1 9 HIGHL IGHTS OF 2019 IN BELGIUM: B2B BIG OR SMALL , WE BUI LD FOR ALL Three years ago, EnergyVision was almost entirely focused on China and Morocco. We had a small office in Belgium, an even smaller warehouse and a little van. Today we are the undisputed leader in solar panel and relighting projects in Flanders and the Brussels-Capital Region. Our approach is always the same: completely taking all the customer’s stress away and an A to Z process in which we engineer a project but also construct, finance and maintain it. The customer does not need to make any investment and is guaranteed to receive a reduction in their current electricity price. We build for everyone, big or small. Gare Maritime, a former freight train station on the Thurn & Taxis site, is being thoroughly renovated. In 2019, 350 labourers worked to create something that will become a covered city with shopping areas, promenades Vitralux has been the number-one conservatory builder in Kruisem (for- merly Kruishoutem) for many years. But it has one fundamental problem: sky-high energy bills. That is why EnergyVision installed a solar panel installation of 113 kWp in the spring of 2019. What did it cost Vitralux? Not a single cent. EnergyVision financed the entire installation and has since been selling the green electricity produced by the VITRALUX GARE MARITIME “From 5 to 35% market share in 1 year. And we have only just begun.” “What did it cost Vitralux? Not a single cent.” “Gare Maritime: an architectural gem… …with the biggest roof-mounted solar panel installation in Belgium since 2013!” That means big projects like the 10,000 solar panels on the Gare Mari- time (the largest solar project in Brus- sels and the largest roof installation in the whole of Belgium since 2012!). It also means small customers like the hundreds of households who have received 10 to 16 solar panels free of charge as part of our Brusol project. In a single year, our market share has risen from 5% to more than 35%, specifically in the Brussels-Capital Region. And we are only just getting started. Koen Decourt Founder and COO of EnergyVision installation (more than 100,000 kWh per year). Vitralux buys this electricity for a price that is up to 50% lower than the price of its ordinary electricity. The result is that Vitralux has not had to invest anything and does not bear any of the risk. It simply has to pay for the energy it consumes, saving 50% on its energy bills. No wonder we’re going to celebrate together soon with our neighbours at Michelin-starred restaurant Hof van Cleve. :) and restaurants. Between October and December, a good 30 people from EnergyVision were at work on the roof six days a week as well: we installed almost 10,000 solar panels according to our Brusol formula. The installation will remain our property; the electric- ity will be sold and consumed locally. Along with the other solar panels on the site, this installation forms part of the largest solar project in the Brus- sels-Capital Region. The 3.4 MWp installation is also the biggest roof-mounted solar panel in- stallation anywhere in Belgium since 2013. The installation produces more than 3 million kWh a year, the equiv- alent of an entire year’s consumption for approximately 900 households. “The green electricity will be used entirely on site, covering 75% of local needs. The partnership with Ener- gyVision went particularly smoothly, and they kept us extremely well updated every step of the way”, says Peter De Durpel, COO of Extensa. 18 19 E N E R G Y V I S I O N - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9

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