EnergyVision Annual Report 2019

H I G H L I G H T S O F 2 0 1 9 HIGHL IGHTS OF 2019 IN BELGIUM: B2B Opposite “Docks Bruxsel”, the most famous shopping centre in the Brussels-Capital Region, a big roof car park owned by Da Car, the region’s most famous vehicle recovery firm. At six storeys up, we fitted a large solar car port installation in less than six weeks’ time, which will produce almost 600,000 kWh of green electricity per year. The installation will remain in our portfolio for ten years. Da Car will buy the electricity. Project manager Peter Brinckman from Da Car tells us more: “As the entire surface area of the current roof needed to remain available for the operations it is used for at present, we opted for a steel load-bearing structure that left at least 3.10 m DA CAR free above the surface of the roof.” The entire structure is supported by the building’s concrete pillars and is firmly anchored to deal with the extreme winds experienced at this height. Brinckman continues: “We have made a firm decision to go green! Soon there will be electrical charging stations on the roof as well. The partnership with EnergyVision has gone extremely smoothly.” And that partnership is visible: for the next few years, a 72 m² Brusol banner will take pride of place on the front of the building. The banner encourages the 40,000 cars passing by each day to register on for our formula for households in Brussels. “Technical tour de force at a dizzying height.” In the summer of 2017, eight of our employees shut themselves away in our office in Ghent for three weeks. They worked around the clock, day and night, to draft a 927-page application file. What for? To cover the roofs of 50 government buildings in Brussels with solar panels commissioned by Sibelga, the distribution network operator for the Brussels-Capital Region. In 2018, our hard work paid off: instead of awarding the contract to the big energy giants, EnergyVision was the winner. It was a gigantic undertaking. Museums, schools, swimming pools, sports halls and administrative buildings all got solar panels on their roofs. The name of the programme that the government of Brussels awarded to Sibelga to achieve Brussels’ environmental goals is SolarClick. The Minister of Energy at the time, SOLARCL ICK (SIBELGA) Céline Frémault, came to launch the first projects. “Governments often feel powerless when they see their energy bills. SolarClick is doing something about this. It gives public bodies in the Region and the Brussels local authorities a simple solution that enables them to benefit from clean, sustainable and free energy. This improves life for everyone in Brussels”, she said at the time. The SolarClick programme will continue in 2020. What is more, the new government wants to expand the programme even further. In the last few days of 2019, we received a request to include at least another ten buildings. It’s our pleasure! 20 21 E N E R G Y V I S I O N - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9

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