EnergyVision Annual Report 2019

H I G H L I G H T S O F 2 0 1 9 BRUSOL IN NUMBERS HIGHL IGHTS OF 2019 IN BELGIUM: B2C WITH BRUSOL To thank all our new customers, Brusol organised the very first Brusol event in September. Of the thousand households who committed to a Brusol installation in 2019, a good 200 came from Anderlecht. Many of them live in the new neighbourhood built by Matexi on Prozastraat. We couldn’t let the occasion pass unmarked. So the newly-appointed Finance Minister of Brussels, Sven Gatz, joined us to celebrate the launch of “the greenest neighbourhood in Brussels”. Just under 400 Brusol customers attended the launch. “The cleanest street in Brussels, the greenest street in Brussels: Minister Gatz inaugurates Brusol Street in Anderlecht!” Our Brusol customers come from all over Brussels - all over the world, in fact. They represent 22 nationalities from three different continents. The saying applies more than ever to Brusol as well: Brussels really is the whole world in miniature. But the highest concentration of Brusol customers can be found in Anderlecht, as the mayor, Eric Tomas, proudly confirmed. “As the local council, we are putting a lot of work into making our neighbourhoods greener. It is a pleasure to see how many of our local residents are getting involved as well. That makes me a very proud mayor.” Along with the attending councillors, the mayor announced that Prozastraat would be temporarily renamed Brusol Street. Minister Sven Gatz had this to say: “It isn’t easy for the Brussels Region to meet its environmental goals. Year after year, we have seen how difficult it is to get the solar panel market going in Brussels. It is fantastic to see it succeeding at last: and the people reaping the greatest benefits are not rich people but disadvantaged families. After his speech and the official launch, it was time for the crowds of Brusol customers to celebrate with food, drink and fun. The celebrations lasted until sunset. On the day of the Brusol Street launch, EnergyVision had been working on the Brusol project to install free solar panels in the Brussels Region for exactly one year. During that year, we sent about 100,000 letters to house- holds in the region. More than 5,000 households expressed an interest, more than 2,000 house- holds received a technical home visit and ultimately just under thousand households signed a contract. Those thousand households will have free green electricity for 25 years at least, starting in 2019. A thousand households: that means approximately 14,000 solar panels, more than 4 million kWh of free green electricity a year, a reduction of almost 3,200 tons of CO 2 emissions per year and a total decrease of almost a million euros in energy costs for Brusol customers. But we haven’t finished yet: before June 2020 we will pass the 2,000 installation mark. Pro- zastraat in Anderlecht is now far from the only Brusol Street. Our initiative is growing and growing. 22 23 E N E R G Y V I S I O N - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9

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