EnergyVision Annual Report 2020

THIS IS HOW GOOD 2020 WAS IN CHINA “Our energy now matches the verdant green of the environment: the perfect next chapter in a sustainability story that’s becoming ever more popular over here as well.” Zhiying Sheng owner of Ruisheng Trading SHAOXING RUISHENG TRADING Key facts about the installation: 3 MWp (9,500 solar panels) Location: Shaoxing, Zhejiang province In less than 40 days, almost 10,000 solar panels were installed on the roof of Ruisheng Trading in wonderful, verdant Shaoxing in the south of China. 35 installers had their work cut out for several weeks – albeit with a stunning view of a Buddhist monastery in the background – to ensure the textile factory will have a future green energy supply of almost 3 million kWh per year. GUANGXI BOBAI HUAMIAN FOREST PRODUCTS Key facts about the installation: 3 MWp installation at ground level (approx. 10,000 solar panels) Location: Yulin, in the Guangxi Autonomous Region in the south of China Huamian Forest, which manufactures timber products in the city of Yulin, opted to install around 10,000 solar panels at ground level. Surface issues meant the project was a veritable tour de force. But while it took buckets of sweat, we also got to take stunning snapshots! Yulin used to be famous for its annual dog meat festival in June. Perhaps now, the city’s defining feature will be EnergyVision’s 10,000 solar panels? “This installation will now supply more than 70% of the 5 million kWh of electricity we use each year. That’s a massive green step forward for our company.” Lixiang Lei owner of Huamian Forest HEBEI QIN DEPARTMENT OF HEAVY METAL TECHNOLOGY Key facts about the installation: 3.85 MWp (more than 10,000 solar panels) Location: Handan, Hebei province In the industrialised Hebei province, every sustainable initiative is welcome. In the summer of 2020, once all lockdown measures had been lifted, we installed a whopping 10,000 solar panels (a total capacity of 3.85 MWp) on the rooftops of metal processing company Qin. Just like its neighbours in the same industrial zone, Qin is working to make its operations greener and more sustainable, in consultation with the local authorities. “We wanted to make our factory site greener, to achieve the best possible combination of the heavy industrial activities we engage in in addition to sustainable resources and a healthy environment. These solar panels won’t just result in a cheaper electricity bill for us: they’re also bringing us one step closer to a clean environment.” Ganghua Jiao owner T H I S I S H OW G OO D 2 0 2 0 WA S 20 21 E N E R G Y V I S I O N - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 0 2020 would get off to a promising start, we thought. We had a pipeline ready at the end of 2019 with more than 20 MW of projects. All of them would be built between February and May. At that point we hadn’t heard of the coronavirus yet. Ultimately, less than 5 MW was built in the first half of 2020. Almost everything was at a standstill: both the factories that produced the materials and the sites where we were supposed to install them. But the second half of the year was as busy as the first had been quiet. The recovery of the Chinese economy was very fast and intense. In total, we built a good 60 MW in 2020, which is twice as much as the previous year. In the last two months of 2020 alone, more than 25 MW of solar panel projects were delivered. You can read about some of them here. There were also lighting projects and pilot projects for battery storage. It was our busiest half year ever. Our Chinese teams had the chance to celebrate their successes, because all the bars and restaurants were open as usual in the autumn.

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