EnergyVision Annual Report 2021

OUR INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS IN BELGIUM The ongoing coronavirus measures and raw materials crisis have caused uncertainty for many companies, with the result that they focused all their attention on their core business. The abolition of net metering in Flanders fed suspicion of engaging in long-term commitments throughout Belgium. That made 2021 a very difficult year. We had to fight for every single project. The industrial market crashed in Flanders (-60%) and Brussels (-80%). We also experienced a drop in the total capacity installed, but we built more than 90 industrial projects all the same, ranging from schools to green cinemas and the most beautiful football stadium in the Low Countries, in Ghent (but don’t tell Marc Coucke we said so) . Our system of taking the burden off the customer’s shoulders and bearing all the risks ourselves has proven to be a strong business model in these uncertain times. Our formula offered immense peace of mind to many industrial companies. 03 O U R P R O J E C T S UGC trusts EnergyVision’s expertise to provide green energy for several of its cinemas. In 2021, a total of no fewer than 1,364 solar panels were installed on the UGC buildings in Mechelen, Turnhout and Brussels. EnergyVision sells the locally generated energy. Offering savings with no stress and no investment. And you? You can rest assured that your favourite film is green! UGC: THE BEST FI LMS , RUNNING ON GREEN ENERGY EnergyVision has installed more than 400 solar panels divided between the electrical cabinets in the common areas. That way, all the residents of the social apartements can benefit from lower energy costs together. This is a win-win in many ways, and an ideal solution for co-owned properties! CENTRAL GARDEN 12 13 E N E R G Y V I S I O N - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1

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