EnergyVision Annual Report 2021

OUR RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS IN BELGIUM The Brusol family is still growing: we installed more than 20,000 solar panels on houses and apartment blocks in Brussels in 2021, or a total of 1,448 installations that generate more than 6,500 MWh of free energy for our Brusoleirs. 2021 was characterised by continual adaptations to the changing coronavirus measures. From virtual sales visits and technical inspections to tours of our Brussels showroom where we could guarantee social distancing. Our teams did everything they could to help interested families reduce their energy bills in 2021, in a way that was both professional and safe. A FEW KEY FIGURES FOR BRUSOL THROUGH THE YEARS : 2018 2019 2020 2021 Totaal Number of contracts signed 389 1,000 1,741 1,505 4,635 Number of installations built 68 760 1,414 1,448 3,690 Capacity installed 380 kWp 3,888 kWp 6,829 kWp 8,635.5 kWp 19,732.5 kWp Capacity installed (number of solar panels) 1,252 12,146 20,908 23,941 58,247 Client: Valérie Gan “Deadlines were met. Efficient work. Very professional workers. And a very good follow-up of the file. Thank you, Brusol.” ANDERLECHT Client: Nabil Seyour “Craftsmanship, speed, efficiency are very good. Everything was done in a professional manner from start to finish." LAEKEN Client: Lore Leloutre “Efficient installation team, smooth communication (before and after the installation), clean work. Very satisfied.” JETTE Client: Linda Presburg “Very satisfied: fast installation of the panels, smooth installation of extra earthing and clear information about the functioning of the installation.” WOLUWE-SAINT-PIERRE Client: Alexandre Taha “The installation is solid and the staff was very friendly." UCCLE 03 O U R P R O J E C T S BRUSOL IN FIGURES SATISFIED BRUSOL CUSTOMERS 14 15 E N E R G Y V I S I O N - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1

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