EnergyVision Annual Report 2021

04 ONZE PEOPLE: LAURA AND NICO O U R P E O P L E 22 23 E N E R G Y V I S I O N - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1 Since football club KAA Gent started running community activities, I have been following them closely. At the beginning of 2021, I had a heart-breaking decision to make. What had started off as a student job in 2019, turned into a full-time job offer that I accepted in a heartbeat - a place where I really felt at home, valued and supported. But I had this dream of going to work in the social sector, so I seized the opportunity to go for it. To my delight, I happened to find a job as a community coach for my favourite football club. I continued to follow EnergyVision on social media, but after an exciting six months, I realised that a job in the social sector didn’t suit me as well as I had expected. I missed the upbeat daily pace of my work, and realised I needed a greater challenge. I would do better to support the community work from the sidelines rather than being on the team, I concluded. When Klaas called me at the end of November to ask how I was doing, all the pieces of the puzzle fell right back into place. Shortly afterwards, EV made me an “offer I couldn’t refuse”: a new opportunity within the organisation with far greater focus on the social aspect. I would also be able to develop in another way with a training course as a “person of trust” and help the team move forward by providing training with them. It was time to come “home” again. I really enjoy being challenged on a daily basis again and empowering the people around me. I am in no doubt at all that the future has plenty of exciting developments in store for me. I am convinced that EnergyVision will continue to commit to our “human capital” and I plan to jump straight in, full of enthusiasm, along with my colleagues! Nicolas Dingens P&O Coordinator 'PRODICAL SON' OF ENERGYVISION - NICO SEARCH AND YOU WI LL FIND/WIN - LAURA My first day in Bijenstraat in Ghent was on 30/04/2018, working with “HD Energy”. The young start-up had offices on EnergyVision’s premises and was focusing on solar panel projects for private customers in Flanders. HD Energy had a very small, young and energetic team. As an all-round teammember, I was in charge of all manner of tasks, such as organising customer events, managing the sales planning, customer service and even a bit of accounting and invoicing. Flexibility and adaptabilitywere essential. Just six months later, HD Energy was taken over by EnergyVision. Our small team of young talent changed radically overnight, and my job as a jack-of-all-trades was reviewed. I became the contact person for the CRM package we had at the time and became an expert in our monitoring portals. At first I thought that would be fun, but it turned out to be highly administrative, repetitive work and I didn’t enjoy it. I knew for a fact that I was capable of more! I hadn’t spent all that time abroad during my studies, broadening my horizons both physically and mentally, just for this. 2019 was no fun. I felt less happywith my tasks as the months went by. The end of the year was fantastic though because we were given the opportunity to visit our Chinese colleagues and I helped to organise the twelve- day trip. It was a flashback to my bachelor's degree in tourism. It was an amazing experience but as the trip drew to a close I realised that didn’t want to return to my day-to-daywork of monitoring portals and doing repetitive tasks. It was clear that EnergyVision and I didn’t want to part. We’d been through too much together. :) So we started looking for a new challenge for me in the group. Management listened to me, understood what I was saying, and helped me find a suitable role. A role in which I could grow, flourish and be happy. That is how I was introduced to the world of ERP in 2020. Because I had been there at the very start of the BRUSOL story, and thanks to my analytical abilities, management sawme as the ideal person to implement an entirely new ERP and CRM system in the organisation. After a year and a half of preparation, Eva and I supported a successful go live of NetSuite across all the departments of EnergyVision in the summer of 2021. In April 2022, I will be immensely proud to celebrate four years at EnergyVision, now as EnergyVision’s manager of NetSuite and other IT software. I am so happy to be where I am! Laura DeWispelaere ITApplication Analyst IT ALWAYS HURTS TO LOSE PEOPLE EnergyVision has experienced strong growth in recent years, in terms of staff numbers as well. We will be welcoming many hires in 2022. Sadly strong growth also means that we have to say goodbye to some people along the way, and that is never pleasant. We give people maximum opportunities within our three core values (purposefulness, integrity and transparency). And unless there are urgent or serious reasons, a departure never comes as a surprise. But that doesn’t make it any less painful. It was lovely to see how Goedele and her team said goodbye to each other after less than a year though. After several conversations, a job coaching process and an active search for a job away from home, she was given a send-off by staff on Christmas Eve with flowers and applause. “EnergyVision will always have a place in my heart”, she said. And the same is true for us. People are EnergyVision’s real capital. Our business is not about figures but people, with all their dreams and ambitions, their doubts and fears, their desires and, above all, their enthusiasm. People are what it’s all about. People who come and people who go. People who think and take action. This is their story.

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