EnergyVision Annual Report 2021

04 OUR PEOPLE GREAT PLACE TO WORK (GPTW) O U R P E O P L E FAIRNESS 01 HOSPITALITY CORPORATE IMAGE INTIMACY 02 PRIDE COMRADESHIP RESPECT 03 CARE TEAM In January 2022, we were awarded the ‘Great Place to Work’ label for the second year in a row. This year we even bested the high beginner’s score (89%) we obtained last year. At 97%, we had one of the highest scores ever. Our employees gave us the highest scores for honesty, flexibility, pride and solidarity. People are treated fairly here, regardless of their sexual orientation. I can take time off whenever I feel like it. I am proud to tell others that I work for this organisation. When I look at what we achieve, I am actually quite proud. 99% 99% 97% 97% 1% 1% 3% 3% FULLY AGREE FULLY AGREE FULLY AGREE FULLY AGREE DON'T AGREE DON'T AGREE DON'T AGREE DON'T AGREE The ‘lowest’ scores were for issues surrounding pay and promotions. 76% 79% 80% 83% 24% 21% 20% 17% FULLY AGREE FULLY AGREE FULLY AGREE FULLY AGREE DON'T AGREE DON'T AGREE DON'T AGREE DON'T AGREE LOWEST RATES People here are paid fairly for the work they do. Managers do not favour anyone. Promotions are given to those who deserve them most. Management involves people in decisions that affect their jobs. At EnergyVision, we always strive towards a fair and transparent pay policy. With a lowest score of 76%, where 75% is the benchmark for being able to call yourself a Great Place to Work, we can still see this as positive. However, it will not prevent us from engaging in a dialogue with our employees on this subject. These figures from the Great Place to Work survey really make us happy! We also want to thank all our employees for their great response and honest feedback. We are enormously proud of the positive points and intend to get to work on the areas where there is room for improvement! This year, we are going all-out for the label ‘Best Place to Work’, exploring our vision and organisational culture in greater depth, as well as how we can bring these to life throughout the entire organisation. Obtaining these labels is not just the icing on the cake and the culmination of our shared efforts. They also help us to continue scrutinising ourselves as an organisation and aiming for improvement. 95% 94% 95% 93% 93% 93% 92% 93% 92% 24 25 E N E R G Y V I S I O N - A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1 HIGHEST RATES

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