Investor relations

EnergyVision laureate 'Board of the Year'


Since its start, EnergyVision has invested in good governance and a strong governing body. In an industry with many cowboys and opportunists at the start, EnergyVision focuses on integral quality and transparency. Besides consolidated figures, an auditor from the start and very comprehensive annual reports, this also means: an expanded Board of Directors very early on, with strong profiles and a majority of external, independent directors.

With this nomination, the EnergyVision board members receive recognition for their vision and strategic decisions that steer EnergyVision in the right direction. It is not only about our long-term strategy, but also how we deploy our resources, structure our organisation and focus on our sustainability. This is how we create growth and added value, for ourselves and for society.

The "Board of the Year" Award is presented by "De Bestuurder" magazine and the Guberna institute for non-listed companies.